(see availabilities to footer)
When you contract with EA10, contracts directly with the property, and is served directly by the property at all that you may need. Our long experience in the rental market and deal directly with the landlord we can offer better service and personal attention.
We do not have customers, we have friends. Some of our clients are older than 30 years. We have met the father and founder of the company, and now work with the children, and this is our best letter.
Attentive to what happens in the market, we found that the coworking, or sharing a room for several different users is becoming a solution for many people to develop their work, that we already know it all and is applied mainly in medical clinics, is now the turn of the offices.
So we decided to start with CWAlmeda a Coworking ambitious project to provide part of our facilities you everything you need to feel comfortable and have the means to do their jobs. CWAlmeda offers the possibility of starting a new activity compatible with your schedule available, or continue with the one you have, but have a focal point geographically closest to their customers, or do some work for a specific period of time, spending only you need time and money.
We will not only CWAlmeda, if you can share offices, medical centers etc. Why not share workshops …. We are studying it with great fondness. If you will continue to visit interesting news.
We hope that our offer is of interest and in any case thank you very much for his curiosity in knowing.
Dolores Almeda 10 Local 7, Cornellá de Llobregat, Barcelona a 100m de parada FFCC Almeda (Parte de Pza. España), a 100m output 15 Ronda Litoral, A100m road of Barcelona to Hopitalet de Llobregat (Pasa Bus). 250m output A2 R.C.D. Español.